
Chingkham is a Kabui Village located at  a distance of about 15km from capital Imphal along the N.H 39 in Thoubal district.
The village  is geographically made  up of a hillock  and its surrounding plain .

Chingkham is the southern most Kabui  village  in Imphal valley, and it is believed  that the name of the village derived from its location Chingkham when translated mean last hill.

Presently chingkham village consist of around 60 household with a population of around 400 people. How long the village has been in existence could not be traced as there was no recorded history, however it must have been for almost two century. But the present village and its surrounding area has been kept reserved for the settlement of the Kabui only as far back as 1908 by the order of the then Vice-president of Manipur state Darbar.

By:Marangmei Gairanlung

*Web casted on 3 Sept. 2010.